Thursday, June 9, 2011

Somehow, last night turned into a videogame marathon for me.

Now I love video games, I have spent years of my life (seriously, add up the hours and you will get YEARS) in front of PCs and consoles playing games. But as I get older, I dont think of my self as a gamer any more. But some things don't go away I guess.... 

My wife had tacos ready for dinner when I got home, they were just out of the box with some hamburger but she had the good shredded Mexican cheese so they were gooood. But right after dinner my boys wanted to play a new Scooby Doo game on the Wii that they got as a gift. So I played 1 chapter of the mystery with each of them, about 45 minutes each. It was cute and I am sure I will have many more hours playing it with them  ;)
It plays a lot like a Legos game
When we were done the wife took them upstairs for baths and I went out to putter in my garage for a bit. My neighbor J came down when he saw me outside and we got riled up for a game of Madden 2011, we are currently 29 wins for me and 31 wins for him in madden 11. He won last night to take a 2 game lead, I’ll get him next time. But our madden games take right about an hour plus I had to put new batteries in my 360 remotes because we have been playing at his house since I quit smoking.
I wish we could change the opening sequence to a better team!
 After he left I went inside and kissed the boys goodnight. And went to hang out in my room, my wife was reading, so I plopped down next to her, I couldn't find anything on TV so I fired up my ‘free from Sony play station network’ copy of little big planet (Thanks AnonSec!) and played on line for a few hours until we went to bed. It is a fun game and I spent almost an hour working on building a level  ;)

 Now if I ever bitch about not having time to get something done feel free to remind me about the time I somehow spent over 5 hours playing video games in 1 NIGHT!! Whilst still spending time with my kids, with my friends AND with my wife… Good times.


  1. Dude, this sort of addiction is no joke. I myself am now addicted to stupid games on my DROID and it sucks. You get literally sucked in for hours. Did you hear how this has been the most popular reason for divorce in the UK lately? Swear to you, I heard this on the news a few days ago. PS Ever hear of IGN? I worked for their parent company (Snowball - no longer exists) for two years. Coolest group of editors ever.

  2. Taking a day off from time to time and playing som egood games is great.

  3. little big planet is always fun to play it ... keep it up! :)

  4. Ha ha life seems like a giant videogame marathon to me lol.

  5. I've been addicted also, I've played Grand Theft Auto for days....I have all the streets memorized, could probably drive the streets of Miami w/o having been there.

  6. If I added up the amount of time I spent on video games in my lifetime, I'm sure I'd feel like my life was wasted.

    So instead, I'll just go play some more video games to take my mind off that...

  7. Little Big Planet is great. For casuals.

  8. All three games that I would never play, fine job. :D

  9. Madden is so awesome.
    Keep up the good work!

  10. Little Big Planet is a really funny game. Works best in multiplayer when both of you are in a funny mood :3

  11. Haha, lucky you. Seems like such a fine and eventful day XD

  12. There's always time for video games! LittleBigPlanet can consume even more hours while making a new level, it's a great game.

  13. Nothing wrong with a bit of gaming especially Madden.

  14. Awesome night. I gotta get into a game i think.

  15. Yeah, I kind of got out of the gaming thing too. Just don't allow myself the time to sit in front of the TV long enough to play. I still downloaded little big planet though.

  16. Lately, it's been so busy I barely make it through reading blogs and commenting.

  17. Im reaching an age where i KNOW i will never put down videogames. 26 at the moment and im not about to quit

  18. Got little big planet for free thank you sony

  19. I dont think I will ever stop gaming. Its too fun.

  20. i get easily addited to video games, as such, i try not to buy them too often.

  21. 5 hours of gaming = normal day of the week...keep it up!

  22. The funny thing is, this happens to me everyday.

  23. i hear little big planet has a british sense of humor.

  24. swapping smokes for video games huh? ok. I get it!

  25. I am so freaking jealous :[ I just got Monster Hunter Tri and I haven't played it for more than a minute without my mom ragging on me to help her do something.

  26. there is always time for one more game.....


Don't screw with a guy that is in the middle of quitting smoking.