Thursday, June 2, 2011

Not a great night.

So yesterday after work I stopped by my neighborhood pool to meet with the head guard and a repair guy who was coming out to tell us why the pool was so cloudy. He had just got there so we had to wait for him to check some things, and while we were waiting the guard lit up a cigarette. This was my first random run in with a smoker right next to me since I quit.

Smokes taste better on hot days  ;(

I was cool, I acted like it happened all the time and was no big deal. Honestly the smell of the smoke didn’t tempt me at all, it smelled kind of funky. It was watching someone engage in an activity that I am working so hard to deny my self. Like seeing someone eat cake when you are on a diet.  

I'd take a bite of THAT.

But I made it through, it wasn’t so much that it made me want a smoke, I was just really anxious being in that situation for the first time.

Not much else going on right now, but i do have t-ball practice tonight and it is supposed to be  95 degrees out. I am barely going to be able to have the kids do anything... But maybe a few of the hot moms will be in sun dresses... 
You know who loves Sun dresses?
Taylor Swift
Kristin Davis
Katy Perry


  1. Sun dresses are nice on women, good looking women!

  2. You have to feel sorry for them since they are still doing something wrong and you are smarter than them!

    You can visit my blog here.

  3. nice pics dont smoke, keep up the good work.
    Suffer dedication or suffer regret.

  4. When I stopped smoking the smell of a passing smoker defo got me going but I never gave in and im still an ex smoker.

  5. Sun dresses: THE WAY TO ANY MAN'S HEART.

    Assuming he isn't gay, of course.

    I love them. Thank god I have some pretty nice legs, even if my boobs are relatively...mediocre in size. ;)

    And congrats on handling that situation well.

  6. i'd definitely take a big bite outa that too man :P

  7. I like sun dresses and stiff breezes.

  8. in a couple more weeks when your sinuses and lungs clear out more the smell might make you sick.

  9. way to fight the temptation! way to go!

  10. Hahah. Everyone love's a sun dress.

  11. Good job soldier you were strong.
    I love sun dresses combined with a strong wind.

  12. I never liked the smell of someone else's smoke

  13. And suddenly I question my like of sun dresses.

  14. hummmm Taylor Swift :P nice

  15. I love sun dresses, but not the stiff breezes!

  16. nothing wrong with sundresses.]

  17. Way to go on resisting temptation! Also, pretty dresses. :P

  18. Great job that you didn't give in! I never really understood why people smoke when it is so hot outside, like wouldn't that make them even hotter? Also, I love sundresses!!

  19. way to go with not being tempted to smoke

  20. I enjoy a good sundress too. Also, it's good you didn't get a craving, or enjoy the smell, it means your body is moving away from the habit. Future situations might be less tense now.

  21. Nice man, that takes a lot of will power! I'm liking the girls :D

  22. taylor looks the best. she's so beautiful.

    great job fighting the temptation!

  23. i dont know why youre so fixed to smoking lol it doesnt appeal to me and im a smoker

  24. Cigarette smoke does smell weird once you quit.

  25. Nice work! It's only going to get easier.

  26. i would like to play some teeball

  27. Good job resisting smoking yo! Also Sun-dresses are Awesome.

  28. hey, i love sun dresses too :(

  29. I heard that social smoking can be the biggest temptation, so kudos for resisting!


Don't screw with a guy that is in the middle of quitting smoking.